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Travel Companion App

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Welcome, traveler!
Ready to go? Go to your station, add fellow travelers, and begin your trip!
Your Station Name is:
Go To Station
Don't forget these amazing features.
Invite Others
It's easy. Just use this link to share your Station with other travelers.
Points of Interest
Rediscover your world. As you drive, these will give you insight into the world around you.
Are We There Yet?
You now have the answer! A simple visual to inform kids young and old.
Tesla Browser
Watch the video here to see how Travel Companion works in the Tesla Browser.
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You've got questions? We've got answers! And if you can't find it here, please feel free to reach out to us via the contact form.
Does everyone need an account?

No. You only need one account per family. Just share your Station's invitation link with all others that will be traveling with you.
What is a Station?

A Station is your unique place to start trips, invite others, and play road trip games. You will share your Station Name with your family and friends when they join you on your travels!
Do I have to log in to join a Station?

No. All you need is the link or the Station Name.
Can more than 1 person play on a single device?

Yes. One device can be used for all players, if required. Travel Companion was designed with this in mind.
Can I play this on my tablet or phone?

Yes. The application is built to support most modern mobile and desktop browsers.
Can I play this across multiple vehicles?

Yes! As long as you are traveling in the same vicinity you can use this across as many vehicles as needed.
Why do you need my location while playing?

In order to know the distance remaining, current weather, and show Points of Interest, we need to know your current location. You can deny the request but, you will have limited functionality.
Does this work without an internet connection?

The application will continue to function in brief periods of connection interruption but will have limited functionality and be unable to respond to changes in location.
What ages can play Travel Companion?

Travel Companion is appropriate for all ages.
Do I have to play this on a Tesla?

No. That's just a benefit of the application for those who drive a Tesla.
Can I play while driving a Tesla?

No. Travel Companion was not built to ever be used by a driver of any vehicle. Please follow all safety regulations as a driver.
Help, I forgot the name of my Station!

Don't worry. Log in to your account. Your Station Name is in the top left corner under your profile picture.
Can I create more than one Station?

Each account can have one Station. If you need an additional Station you must setup another account.
What is a passcode, and why should I use one?

A passcode allows only trusted users to access your Station. Without a passcode, anyone with your Station Name can view and modify your Station.
How many people can play at one time?

There is no limit to the amount of users per station at this time.
What if two people find the same object or plate at the same time?

Travel Companion will allow a tie if two users are engaged in the submission process at the same time. You can also set your own rules for your travelers.
Having issues with the site or app? Just want to chat? Fill out the form below and we will most definitely get back to you!
You must verify your email address before starting your first trip! Check your email for a new verification email from Travel Companion.
